Real stories, practical advice, and valuable insights from successful entrepreneurs who learned along the way.


From Medical School to Impact Entrepreneurship: How Todd Khozein Leveraged Systems Thinking to Create Change

Todd Khozein’s journey from medical school to founding SecondMuse was fueled by a lifelong passion for understanding and improving social and economic systems. As a young refugee from Iran who settled in the U.S., Khozein struggled to reconcile the racism and inequality he observed with his belief that more just systems were possible. These…

Sol Nasisi, Founder of Online Publishing Platform Booksie, Shares his Insights into Building a Successful Startup

Sol Nasisi has always had a knack for bringing creative ideas to life. As a student building rockets and gadgets with friends, to forming a band in high school, Sol saw the potential in nurturing creativity from a young age. This drive led him to pioneer one of the internet's first digital companies and eventually found Booksie - a global online…
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