In a remarkable display of entrepreneurial spirit, two young Kashmiri entrepreneurs, Sheikh Yameen and Zubair Bhat, showcased their innovative e-bike sharing solution on the popular reality show “Shark Tank India Season 4.”
Representing their startup, “Curve Electric,” the duo captured national attention with their commitment to sustainable urban mobility and their dedication to eco-friendly commuting. Though they did not secure funding from the panel of “sharks,” the entrepreneurs walked away with a wealth of positive wishes and recognition for their remarkable achievements.
Launched in 2023, Curve Electric has already made significant strides, establishing Kashmir’s first e-bicycle sharing fleet in collaboration with Srinagar Smart City Limited (SSCL). The startup’s custom-designed e-bikes and seamless customer experience have resonated with a growing user base in the region, with over 55,000 rides completed and 720,000 kilometers covered, resulting in the saving of 145 metric tons of carbon emissions.
During their presentation, Yameen and Bhat impressed the panel of judges, which included Anupam Mittal, Vineeta Singh, Aman Gupta, Peyush Bansal, and Kunal Bahl, with their vision for the future. The entrepreneurs shared their ambitious growth plans, including expanding operations to other mountainous towns like Shimla and Mussoorie, as well as collaborating with major institutions and hotel chains to further integrate their services.
Aman Gupta, one of the “sharks,” praised the entrepreneurs for their customer-centric model, which eliminates onboarding barriers such as app downloads and security deposits, making the service more accessible to users. Peyush Bansal, another judge, was particularly impressed by the founders’ detailed customer-focused approach, drawing parallels to his own entrepreneurial journey.
While the panel ultimately decided not to invest in Curve Electric, the founders remained undeterred, expressing their excitement for the future. “Shark Tank India gave us an incredible platform to share our dream of revolutionizing urban mobility,” said Yameen. “Coming from Srinagar, this journey represents not just Curve Electric, but the untapped potential of Kashmiri youth. We’re excited for what lies ahead.”
The success of Curve Electric on the national stage serves as a testament to the ingenuity and entrepreneurial spirit of Kashmir’s youth, and the startup’s innovative e-bike sharing solution has the potential to transform the region’s transportation landscape while promoting sustainability and environmental consciousness.